We arrived late (12 am), due to traffic. I found out his hotel on Hotels.com, checked the pictures, and it looked okay. Upon arrival at midnight, we had to call to get a desk attendant. The area was a little sketchy, and the exterior looked nothing like the pictures. Once we checked in and headed to our room, we began to question the choice of this reservation. There was a garbage bag outside of one room, and several people milling around. When we arrived at our first floor room, my husband opened the door & my daughter stepped on a roach, and I noticed MANY BUGS scampering about. Mind you, we spend several weeks camping in the summer, bugs OUTSIDE are not a problem, and maybe you wouldn’t mind bugs in your hotel room, but that is where I draw the line. The room smelled as if it had been recently sprayed for bugs, however, these bugs did not seem to mind. There were bugs all over the floor- different bugs, small roaches tiny crawling things. The critters had also ventured into the hallway. Needless to say, we immediately turned heel and walked out. The people milling around laughed and said, “Leaving so soon?!” Honestly, I could not have gotten out of their quicker. This is not a typical extended stay, but more like a subsided housing project. It was so sad to know that people are living in this bug infested hotel. Hotels.com, do BETTER! You have a responsibility to your clients to ensure pictures and accommodations meet minimum standards. DO NOT RECOMMEND!