1)Location marked by Hotel.com is wrong. Very far away from the correct one. We walked nearly 2 hours. No phone card, shops closed and seldom pedestrian in Chinese New Year holiday. It was cold and rainy. Can you think how pity we were. Beside,2) there is no door in the bath. Only a curtain is supplied. The whole bathroom flooded after bath. 3)The shower head is loose. It nearly dropped on my head. 4)Dirt can be found along the bath. 5)The window cannot be locked. The lock is broken. 6)An old scaffold were built on lower floor outside the building 7)The clean ladies are too noisy in the corridor when they worked in the morning.
8) Suggestion: address should provide local language. Not easy to find someone can read address in English translation.
Bad, Bad, Bad experience.
1) 地圖位置錯誤,跟原本位置相差什遠,走了差不多兩小時,正確是沿河南路,當天又凍又下雨,無電話卡, 新年, 許多店舖關門, 街上少行人, 特別是提供錯誤地圖這區,好慘, 2)浴缸無門,只有浴簾,浴後整個浴室水沉,3)淋浴花灑頭鬆,差點打到頭 4)浴缸邊有污垢 , 5)窗戶鎖壞的, 不能上鎖. 6)舊棚架仍建於大廈外墻低層 7)早上清潔服務員在走廊高聲談話, 一早便被她們吵醒, 8)建議地址上除英文外,應加上當地文字, 因只有英文,當地人都不懂看. 總括經驗: 差