The bed was as hard as the floor. The pillows may have been the worst I have ever slept on. (I have stayed in hotels in London, Helsinki, Germany, Japan, S Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, , and 48 of the 50 US states, along with 4 of the ten provinces of Canada and at least eight different cities in Mexico) you get the picture!. I will spend the extra $50 next time. Yes, it was that bad. Alert: Why did you not have plain creamer, creamer with sugar, or hazelnut? Who knows what else? But just a plain creamer, OH hell not, I had to use a power. It just makes a great morning. I drank my coffee black!!!!!!!! I wouldn't say I like black coffee. No, I will not be staying again. If I was Wyndham's name off the hotel. And because I am on such a roll, do not put in your recently up-grade ad because if the hotel was upgraded, it was 1978. Oh, and one last item: hair in the bathtub. Really??????? yes hair in the bathtub. You asked