The lobby looked beautiful upon entering the building, but the awe was short-lived because as soon as we entered our room, it reeked of musty air. The bathroom still smelled like sewage, the tub had cracks on the surface, and housekeeping did not refill the toiletries. The nightstand between the beds had stuck on goo that I don't even want to know what it was. Luckily, I had disinfecting wipes with me. The upholstery on the sofa and chairs smelled like someone's back side. Luckily, again, I had a travel sized bottle of Lysol and sprayed those areas.
The a/c in our room also didn't work. Apparently, if the temperature outside is between 50-70ish degrees, you can't adjust it, so you can only imagine how stuffy our room got. The buffet breakfast was also hit or miss, and is slim pickins if you come down to eat at 8:30, when breakfast is supposed to end at 9:00.
I will never stay at this establishment ever again, and I felt gross during my stay. The only redeeming qualities about this hotel were the friendly workers.