When a hotel accepts your reservation, they owe it to you to tell you in advance when something is going to disrupt your ability to get a good night's sleep. Or any night's sleep. This hotel booked us and other unsuspecting guests in and around a wedding, and it's guests, with no warning we would be kept up half the night, as if we were just incidental collateral damage. Our room was 40 feet from the pounding music that went on until just after 12am, whereupon, our floor was inundated by intoxicated guests. I won't write a simile for what drunk wedding party guests sound like, but actively trumpeting elephants is not far from the mark. Unluckily for us, we were also given an adjoining room to one of these people, and the paper-thin door between the rooms did nothing to dampen the sounds of the drunken sot vomiting his guts up until 2:30am. Thank you, Doubletree, for living down to a pathetically low standard, and ensuring we won't be staying there again.